Erin’s book That’s Why You’re Here – A Journey From Grief To Metaphysical Awareness details how she was led to the Tarot after personal grief. It includes clients’ stories interwoven with some of her own challenges and successes. The book is available to purchase on Amazon (ebook and paperback) and Audible (audiobook).
After finishing her book, Erin found she missed the act of writing. So to feed her newly discovered passion, she began her blog—Inspired Thoughts. Topics as diverse as the Tarot to “Outlander” have been highlighted.
Erin has nurtured her spiritual inclinations by participating in workshops held by John Holland, James Van Praagh, Sonia Choquette and Carol Ritberger. She furthered her abilities by taking the online Hay House Tarot Course hosted by John Holland and Ann Hentz. She also attended the 2014 “I Can Do It” Conference in Pasadena and had the honor of hearing Dr. Wayne Dyer, among other speakers. She participates in metaphysical classes to continually grow, as well as doing tarot readings at festivals and fairs throughout California and Nevada.
Erin’s intentions for her readings are: that they be helpful, healing, enlightening and fun. At this time, she’s proud to announce she primarily uses the That’s Why You’re Here Oracle deck created by Erin and graphic designer Karen Phillips. This deck was a labor of love.
She also uses John Holland’s Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck and the Rider-Waite deck. So one could say she’s trilingual! Questions regarding family, career, relationships, and personal growth can be explored. She is currently growing her ability with psychometry, so individuals doing in person readings may wish to bring an object for her to hold, to see what comes through.
Erin is available for speaking engagements regarding her memoir, codependent recovery, the Tarot, intuition, and/or Spirit(uality).
She is available for individual Tarot readings, Ladies’ Tarot Parties, Fundraisers, and Charity Events. Visit the Tarot Readings page to learn more.
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