Inspired Thoughts – The Gift

Have you ever felt that a day or an encounter was gifted to you? As if the heavens had dropped a rare treasure right in your lap? Suddenly while talking to someone you don’t really know, your arms pebble with gooseflesh alerting you that something much bigger is taking place?

Today I was gifted.

I got a response to an email I had sent out days earlier and had promptly forgotten about. (I had contacted two women I had only met once before and spoken to briefly, to see if they might promote my book: That’s Why You’re Here. I had given free tarot readings during the prior month at a meeting they were hosting.) One of the women, whom I will call Barb, got back to me with an unexpected answer. She congratulated me on my book, and said she would post my news to the group’s private Facebook page. What surprised me was she said she wanted to buy an autographed copy of my book. I told her I would be honored to do that and we agreed to meet for coffee in an hour. (This was not what I had on my calendar, but I know when it feels like Spirit is involved.)

We met at Starbucks and I presented her with my book. Barb is very knowledgeable on marketing and I’m a novice. She was kind enough to share several helpful hints.
I told her how my book came into being and it became clear the two of us were supposed to connect. We had several life situations in common. She had recently been impacted by grief and that is how my book begins. How the loss of a loved one was the catalyst for my unusual journey into the metaphysical. Grief was a catalyst for Barb also.

We discussed causes we were interested in, and we discovered we were of like minds. The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain weighed heavily on both of us. We knew our meeting was not a coincidence (I don’t believe in them anyway). Just before leaving, I mentioned a community I had lived in for 16 years.

Barb said, “Oh, I know a few people who live there.”

“What are their names?”

She named a husband and wife whom I didn’t know. Then she gave me the name of a man. I sat frozen while tears ran down my checks.

Barb was startled by my reaction and kept repeating, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I managed to choke out. “That man is in my book. He is the person who came to my house to deliver the news that my husband had died. He was an angel in the way he helped me in the following shattered days.”

He and Barb had gone to high school together. There are no coincidences and there was only one degree of separation. I was gifted this day on so many levels.

Within an hour of leaving Starbucks, I got behind a vehicle whose license plate read: GDZWILL.

Don’t I know it. Have you been gifted?

Written By Erin G. Burrell

Author of That’s Why You’re Here